No. Not a new car. It's just time to start this blog again. I truly enjoyed blogging while A was deployed last year, but according to google (so smart keeping track of my time away), it has been about 8 months since my last post. It has also come to my attention that my brain cannot retain usernames and passwords over an 8 month hiatus, thus forcing me to create a new blog. You can still read the old one here (that is, if you're into 8 month old material).
Most of you reading this already know the happenings of the "Zikowi" (as The Power Family now refers to us) since I abandoned my last blog, so instead of writing a book about the many changes that have occurred in our very busy lives, I'll write a list. Besides, experts say that reading lists makes for easier comprehension.* Since there will be a test later, this will greatly benefit you.**
*I totally made that up.
**There will be no test.
~A came home from Afghanistan within hours of ringing in the new year. I personally think this makes for the best New Year's Day ever. Go ahead, try to top it. I bet you can't.
~We took a family vacation to Turks & Caicos Islands and it was nothing short of amazing!
~We took a family vacation to Maine and it was nothing short of freezing!
~We worked on being generally awesome.
~We moved 1,000 miles from our home in the southeast to a new home in the southwest. (I googled the United States regions, because there has recently been debate on what region this state is actually in. Debate settled. Google is always right. Everything you read on the internet is true. Everyone knows this.)
~A began his 6 month CCC (Captain's Career Course).
~I turned the big 27.
~Julian turned the ripe old age of 3.
~We welcomed a 7 pound, 18.5" baby girl into our family! (To be referred to as 'H' from here on)
~We perfected being generally awesome, while teaching Haven to be just as awesome as the rest of us! Success!
And now you are caught up! Welcome back to my blog, and start following again!
Art Repeats - Artists Cafe
10 years ago
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