Unfortunately, it was too windy for the Demonstration Team to do an actual jump, but that didn't stop A from rigging J into a parachute....
...and giving him as much as of an airborne experience as a 3 year old can handle.
We also toured a C-47 and watched an airborne demonstration.
Finally, we got to talk to a WWII veteran who went to airborne school when he was 17 years old. He has 5 combat jumps, including one into Normandy. (A was chosen to jump into Normandy on the anniversary of D-Day 2 years ago.)
The only problem I have is that J had so much fun that I have a funny feeling he is going to grow up, break my heart, and join the military as well. Maybe we can convince him to be a commercial airline pilot instead...
ditto- my kids are so into "armies". Someday they will be military, I think.