Sunday, July 24, 2011


To maintain sanity it is an absolute must to find new and exciting things to do as a family, especially in a town where family activities are so severely limited. Today we found our way to a small airport where there was a WWII Demonstration Team. There were many opportunities to learn, A was in his element showing us around, J had a blast, H slept, and I enjoyed taking pictures and watching A's face light up at each opportunity to teach us (especially J) something new.

Unfortunately, it was too windy for the Demonstration Team to do an actual jump, but that didn't stop A from rigging J into a parachute....

...and giving him as much as of an airborne experience as a 3 year old can handle.

We also toured a C-47 and watched an airborne demonstration.

Finally, we got to talk to a WWII veteran who went to airborne school when he was 17 years old. He has 5 combat jumps, including one into Normandy. (A was chosen to jump into Normandy on the anniversary of D-Day 2 years ago.)

The only problem I have is that J had so much fun that I have a funny feeling he is going to grow up, break my heart, and join the military as well. Maybe we can convince him to be a commercial airline pilot instead...

1 comment:

  1. ditto- my kids are so into "armies". Someday they will be military, I think.
