Monday, September 10, 2012


Holy changes Batman! It has been so long since I have last written that Blogger has completely changed it's look. I was lucky to be automatically signed in too; I'm not entirely sure of my password. Thankfully I'm a hackers bestfriend and use the same 3-4 passwords for everything (maybe the 3-4 will throw them off?)

I didn't sign on to write about the changes in Blogger or the lapse in my blogging (ahem...over a year!), but to catch everyone up on all of the changes that have been going on around here! (And hopefully continue to keep everyone caught up!)

I won't bore you with the whole we moved again, we now live at West Point, NY, you should all be jealous jargon, but instead will move on to the here and now. So what's happening already!?

The Man of the House:
Andrew started Grad School at Columbia University (that's Ivy League. Recognize.) at the beginning of the summer. His major is "Organizational Psychology." Today marks the start of his fall semester. It took some time, but he is doing a great job learning to dress like a civilian again. I'm not sure, however, that there is a day anywhere in our near future that he will not ask "does this look OK together?" He is a beginner again, learning to walk.  We will give him time.

Andrew's Student Id Picture. Soooo big!

The Lady of the House:
I started going to Bible Study at our church. But...I already missed the second class because I had a pretty nasty cold. All better now and hopefully I can go tomorrow. I also volunteered to teach Little Flowers Girls' Club at our church twice a month.  It is basically Catholic Girl Scouts, sans the phenomenal cookies.

Today I had an interview for a part time, first grade teaching position at a private, faith based school that services grades PreK-2. I was offered the job but...(yes, another but)...enrollment is extremely low. We are talking three first graders. (And no, that wasn't a typo. 3!) What they offered was a trade. I work half days, 5 days a week teaching reading and math, Julian goes to school there for free (5 days a week, all day) + $100.00 a month for my pocket. The hours are perfect, Haven would only be in daycare once a week thanks to Andrew's school schedule...but that $100.00 goes right back to day care. Now it's on to decide if I work for free for the sake of the school, the students, and my resume or if I pray that grants will be, well, granted and the school can find more money to pay me. Or both-start working and pray that money comes along. In the meantime, while I'm deciding, J will remain in his current school.

I also think I finally have a hobby I can stick with! I got a sewing machine, a pretty sweet setup and I have been sewing all kinds of fun projects. I have taken on the huge, intimidating task of sewing my sister in law, Angela, a quilt made out of all of her youth ministry t-shirts.

About to slaughter a beloved t-shirt.

The Gentleman of the House:
J had his first day of PreK today! As soon as he woke up, he went straight for the bathroom and got his shaving kit out. A four year old just cannot go to school with a 5 o'clock shadow you know! He then got dressed. By himself. Without being asked. I understand that those are not complete sentences, but this is such a huge deal it warranted short, staccato like statements! After a big breakfast consisting of a "folded over" egg (omelet for those of you who don't speak Julian), grapes, and juice, he was ready to go. He sat on the stairs with his backpack on for the remaining 30 minutes we had before we actually had to leave. We took the always obligatory, yet ever adorable first day of school pictures, which actually went well...until he found a "bug friend" which is where our rare photo op ended.

No tears from the 4 year old crowd today.
We won't discuss the 28 year old crowd.

Upon entering his classroom, the first task is to wash his hands. After washing and drying he determindely went off in search of his teacher. To our surprise, he opened his hand and there it was. "Bug Friend." Let me tell you what this means. Bug Friend survived Julian's fist, the car ride to school, the hand washing (even as he hung out on the wet sink), and made it to the teacher. I wanted to cover my face and peek through my fingers to see his teacher's reaction, but thankfully to my great surprise, she jumped up, went into the closet and returned with a bug jar. Bug Friend is now in the science center and Julian will forever be in awe of Ms. Talia. Needless to say, he can't wait to go back on Wednesday!

Miss Talia finds a home for Bug Friend.

In addition to school, Julian has started playing soccer again. Still not a fan. He has also started piano lessons once a week. His teacher has endless amounts of energy and Julian looks forward to his lesson every week!

The Princess of the House:
H is still a very laid back, very scheduled young lady. She loves her naps, she loves her food, she loves to give kisses and hugs. Haven loves to love. Although Haven isn't in school yet (she loves Julian's classroom though), or in soccer, or playing the piano, she is also now a fulltime walker and certainly lives up to the above title. She is the princess of this house who is always very busy and loves to learn new words. Her newest? Saying "PooStinky" when she needs a diaper changed. Just what every parent dreams, right?

Sometimes a girl needs a little support.

...And there you have it. Lot's of happenings of The Zikowi and hopefully more excitement to come. This blog depends on excitement. And free time. Which hopefully I will have more of between The Gentleman's school and The Princess's naps.

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